Category Archives: Foraging

There are so many ways to connect to the beauty that nature has to offer. One of the simplest ways is to forage and discover the world of wild food.

Children have a natural curiosity when it comes to natural foods found growing in the woods. From mushrooms to berries, they will always ask, “can we eat it?” Learning to forage safely is a wonderful skill that can be learnt by people of all ages.

I am looking forward to sharing my own foraging experiences and how we can use Mother Natures gifts safely.

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    Sticky Weed!!

    Posted on April 21, 2023 by in Foraging, The Blog

    If you work with kids in the outdoors, you will know the excitement on them finding sticky weed and will definitely know the drill of what comes next!! For children, Cleavers are a great choice for their first forage as they are clearly easy for them to identify and cannot be confused with any other […]

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